Update July 28
Sunday, August 25
Social event: surfing
Monday, August 26
see Scientific Aim for abstracts of Eva, Michel et Emmanuel talks.
9h -- Welcome, Introduction to the Studio by Nadine Couture
10h -- Eva Hornecker "Tangible interaction Survey"
13h30 -- Michel Beaudoin-Lafon "Instrumental Interaction, the link with Tangible Interaction"
14h45 -- Emmanuel Dubois "Design methods and models for user's interaction with advanced form of Interactive Technique"
16h -- Panel between Young Researchers and Invited Speakers (Chair: Catherine Letondal)
Tuesday, August 27
see Scientific Aim for abstracts of Martin and Alan talks.
9h -- Martin Kaltenbrunner "Tangible Musical Interfaces"
10h15 -- Alan Dix "Physicality and Interaction", by visioconference
14h -- Marie Schacht "eXploring audiovisual environments"
15h -- Leonardo Angelini "Tangible Gesture Interaction"
16h -- Special Exhibit by Martin Kaltenbrunner "Reactable Hands On Demonstration"
17h - Bus to visit the caves of Isturitz, Oxocelhaya.
Wenesday, August 28
9h -- Marvin Schneider "PaWiki: A paper-based wiki system for the classroom"
10h -- Nassrin Hajinejad "GangKlang: interactive sonification of gait data"
11h -- Renaud Gervais "The boundaries of Spatial Augmented Reality on Tangibles"
12h30 - Go to the beach for the picnic
15h -- Simon Stusak "Physical Visualizations: An Exploration"
16h -- "Discussion: The media we hold and behold: Implications for learning" (chair Jochen “Jeff” Rick)
Thursday, August 29
9h-18h -- Workshop leaded by Leonardo Angelini "A lamp for collecting emotions through tangible gestures"
9h-18h -- Workshop leaded by Jochen “Jeff” Rick "PaWiki: A paper-based wiki system for the classroom"
Friday, August 30
9h-12h -- Workshop leaded by Arthur Vanpoucke "Vuforia for Augmented Reality" (special TRANSTIC EVENT)
9h-12h -- Workshop leaded by Marie Schacht "Creative coding with vvvv"
13h30 -- Participants of the workshops will show the designs and prototypes resulting from their work
15h00 -- Exhibits: Patrick Reuter "An example of Interaction in Spatial Augmented Reality" + Simon Stusak "Un example of physical visualization" + Stéphane Kreckelbergh and Guillaume Riviere "Tangible and tactile interface for awareness of sustainability by micro-grid modeling" + ...
16h-17h -- What next? (Chairs: Elena Mugellini and Jens Geelhaar)
Saturday, August 31
Social event: surfing