Invited Speakers

Prof. Michel Beaudouin-Lafon
Michel Beaudouin-Lafon is Professor of Computer Science at Université Paris-Sud and a senior member of the Institut Universitaire de France. After being director of LRI, the laboratory for computer science at Paris-Sud for eight years, he just spent two years as Visiting Professor at Stanford University. His research interests include fundamental aspects of interaction, engineering of iinteractive systems, computer-supported cooperative work and novel interaction techniques. He is a member of the ACM SIGCHI Academy and sits on several journal editorial boards and on many program committees. He was program chair for the ACM CHI'13 conference in Paris. He founded AFIHM, the Francophone association for HCI, and was a member of the ACM Council and the ACM Publications Board.

Prof. Alan Dix
Alan Dix is a British author and university professor, specialising in human-computer interaction at HCI Centre, School of Computer Science, University of Birmingham. He is started off as mathematician at Cambridge, worked as a research scientist at the National Institute of Agricultural Engineering, a Cobol programmer for Cumbria County Council. In 1984, he became a bearded computer scientist. He worked for almost 10 years at York University before moving to become a Reader at Huddersfield in 1994, where he lead the HCI Research centre hci@hud, and chaired the HCI95 conference. He is an expert in the field of human-computer interaction and one of the four co-authors of the university level textbook Human-Computer Interaction.

Prof. Emmanuel Dubois
Emmanuel Dubois is Professor of Computer Science at the University of Toulouse, leading the Elipse Group (IRIT lab). The Elipse group is specialized in the design, modeling and experimentation of advanced HCI (tangible, mixed and augmented reality, tactile and gestural UI, assistive technologies) in complex interactive context (3D, mass market, disabilities). In this context, E. Dubois is focusing on tools and methods for the understanding, the design and the implementation of the user’s interaction with a mixed interactive system. His main application domain is related to knowledge transfer and interaction in 3D environments.

Prof. Eva Hornecker
Eva Hornecker is a Professor in Human-Computer Interaction at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. Previously, she was a lecturer at the University of Strathclyde in the UK, and worked in post-doctoralpositions at the Open University UK, Vienna University of Technology, Sussex University, and the HitLabNZ. Her research focus is on understanding and designing for people's social interactions with and around novel 'beyond the desktop' interfaces, in particular concerning tangible and embodied interaction. She proposed a unifying tangible interaction framework at CHI'06 that helped to establish TEI as an interdisciplinary and diverse research area, and co-founded the international Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction conference series (TEI) in 2007.

Prof. Martin Kaltenbrunner
Martin Kaltenbrunner is Professor at the Interface Culture Lab at the University of Art and Design in Linz. Before his return to Austria he worked as researcher and lecturer at the Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona, at the MIT Medialab Europe in Dublin, and further European universities. As co-founder of Reactable Systems he had been mainly responsible for the interaction design concepts behind the Reactable, a tangible modular synthesizer. The instrument has been shown at several international media art and music festivals, and was awarded with the Prix Ars Electronica Golden Nica for Digital Music. His research around the topic of tangible user interfaces has been employed for the realization of numerous artistic and scientific projects in that area.